
Donations, Fundraising and Legacies

The Cholsey & Wallingford Railway primarily relies on Membership fees, ticket sales, and catering income to cover our day-to-day operating expenses. However, these sources alone are insufficient to support the development of new facilities, enhance attractions, and undertake essential restoration projects for locomotives and rolling stock.

To achieve these goals, we greatly appreciate and depend on the generosity of donations, fundraising, grants, and legacies. These contributions allow us to expand and improve our railway, ensuring a memorable and enriching experience for our visitors. Every donation, whether large or small, plays a vital role in advancing our mission and preserving our railway's heritage for future generations.

By supporting us through donations, grants, or including the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway in your legacy, you directly contribute to the growth and sustainability of our railway. Together, we can continue to provide a captivating journey through history and maintain our commitment to excellence.

Cream Tea

Enjoy a fabulous cream tea whilst riding behind a heritage locomotive through South Oxfordshire. Available Sunday 4th August and Monday 26th August.

Our amazing cream teas are back in 2024 with Cream Tea trains running on Fathers Day and various dates during the year.



Donate via JustGiving. A quick and simple way to donate either with a one-off donation, or on a monthly basis, and enable automatic Gift Aid.


Make either a one-off or regular online donation via PayPal:

As well as PayPal (click below) which accepts all major credit cards you can:

Send a cheque:

Send a cheque payable to "The Cholsey & Wallingford Railway Preservation Society Limited" to our address: Wallingford Station, 5 Hithercroft Road, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, OX10 9GQ

Bank transfer:

Direct bank transfers can be sent to our bank:

Account Name: Cholsey and Wallingford Railway Preservation Society

Account Number: 50889415

Sort Code: 20-01-09

Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer, you could boost your donation by 25p of Gift Aid for every £1 that you donate.
It will not cost you anything extra – Gift Aid is reclaimed by railway from the tax you pay to HMRC.

This can be achieved by either:

  • Submitting your donation online using JustGiving, which includes a simple Gift Aid process; or
  • Downloading the Gift Aid Declaration form and submitting this with your donation.


By including the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway in your will, you will leave a meaningful and enduring impact on the preservation of our railway's rich heritage.

Legacies enable us to carry on preserving, restoring, and maintaining the many valuable and historic artefacts of the railway.

Leaving a legacy is not only a generous act but also a tax-efficient way to contribute to the active preservation of our heritage. As a registered charity, your legacy will be exempt from Inheritance Tax. We recommend you seek professional advice from a solicitor and kindly ask you to consider including the Cholsey & Wallingford Railway in your will, ensuring that we can continue to safeguard the legacy of our railway for years to come.

Start your heritage railway journey today and book your tickets to travel through the countryside on "The Bunk"

Midweek School Holiday Specials

Midweek School Holiday Specials. Thursday 25h July, 1st August, 8th August, 15th August.

Enjoy a fabulous journey on our heritage Bubble Car through the South Oxfordshire countryside. Trains will depart from Wallingford at 1200 and 1400.

Cream Tea

Enjoy a fabulous cream tea whilst riding behind a heritage locomotive through South Oxfordshire. Available Sunday 4th August and Monday 26th August.

Our amazing cream teas are back in 2024 with Cream Tea trains running on Fathers Day and various dates during the year.

The Wallingford Fryer - Fish and Chips Train

The Wallingford Fryer. Saturday 17th August.

Enjoy an evening on the Bunk Line with a fish and chip supper.

Start your heritage railway journey today and book your tickets to travel through the countryside on "The Bunk"

Running Days 2024

July 2024

Monday 1
Tuesday 2
Wednesday 3
Thursday 4
Friday 5
Saturday 6
Sunday 7
Monday 8
Tuesday 9
Wednesday 10
Thursday 11
Friday 12
Saturday 13
Sunday 14
Monday 15
Tuesday 16
Wednesday 17
Thursday 18
Friday 19
Saturday 20
Sunday 21
Monday 22
Tuesday 23
Wednesday 24
Thursday 25
Friday 26
Saturday 27
Sunday 28
Monday 29
Tuesday 30
Wednesday 31

August 2024

Thursday 1
Thursday 2
Thursday 3
Thursday 4
Thursday 5
Thursday 6
Thursday 7
Thursday 8
Thursday 9
Thursday 10
Thursday 11
Thursday 12
Thursday 13
Thursday 14
Thursday 15
Thursday 16
Thursday 17
Thursday 18
Thursday 19
Thursday 20
Thursday 21
Thursday 22
Thursday 23
Thursday 24
Thursday 25
Thursday 26
Thursday 27
Thursday 28
Thursday 29
Thursday 30
Thursday 31

September 2024

Thursday 1
Thursday 2
Thursday 3
Thursday 4
Thursday 5
Thursday 6
Thursday 7
Thursday 8
Thursday 9
Thursday 10
Thursday 11
Thursday 12
Thursday 13
Thursday 14
Thursday 15
Thursday 16
Thursday 17
Thursday 18
Thursday 19
Thursday 20
Thursday 21
Thursday 22
Thursday 23
Thursday 24
Thursday 25
Thursday 26
Thursday 27
Thursday 28
Thursday 29
Thursday 30

Corporate Fundraising

The Cholsey & Wallingford Railway is eager to expand its corporate fundraising efforts, and we kindly request your assistance in connecting us with employers, suppliers, customers, or contacts who may be interested in supporting our cause.

Numerous companies understand the significance of contributing to their communities as part of their corporate social responsibility. External organisations can provide valuable support through various means, such as monetary donations, employee volunteer time, or contributions of supplies or second-hand equipment.

If you have any leads or contacts that may be interested in corporate fundraising opportunities with us, we would greatly appreciate it if you could reach out and discuss the possibilities. Together, we can forge meaningful partnerships that will make a lasting difference in preserving our railway's heritage.